The Personal Blog of Todd Sharp
Brain Teaser:  Find The Missing Number

Brain Teaser: Find The Missing Number

When I first saw this challenge I thought it would be a lot more difficult than it turned out to be.  Here is the challenge:Here's a list with numbers...

Brain Teaser:  Split An Array Into Equal Parts

Brain Teaser: Split An Array Into Equal Parts

Here's another challenge that I came across recently:Given an array of integers greater than zero, find if it is possible to split it in two (without reordering...

Brain Teaser:  Calculate Max Stock Profit

Brain Teaser: Calculate Max Stock Profit

I came across an interesting puzzle to solve via interviewcake: Suppose we could access yesterday's stock prices as an array, where:The values are the...

Creating Your First Website On Raspberry Pi

Creating Your First Website On Raspberry Pi

In this post we'll create and deploy a simple website on the Raspberry Pi.  There are a few prerequisites that I've covered in some previous posts...

A Closer Look At Sorting Algorithms

A Closer Look At Sorting Algorithms

As I mentioned in a previous post, sorting algorithms typically play a large role in programming interviews.  Those who follow the traditional path...

A Groovy Alternative To Java 8 Streams and Collectors

A Groovy Alternative To Java 8 Streams and Collectors

I recently read this article over at DZone about using Java 8 Streams and Collectors to manipulate and perform calculations on a list of integers....

Beginners Guide To Linux

Beginners Guide To Linux

Curious about getting into Raspberry Pi or just Linux in general but you're not sure where to start?  This post is for you.  It's not intended...

A Better Way To Develop For The Raspberry Pi

A Better Way To Develop For The Raspberry Pi

Note:  I've dropped the "Grails on Raspbery Pi" intro to the title of these posts for the sake of brevity, but this post and most of the posts coming...

Grails on Raspberry Pi Part 4 - Intro To GPIO

Grails on Raspberry Pi Part 4 - Intro To GPIO

If you've missed the first three parts in this series you may want to check them out before proceeding:Part 1 Part 2Part 3Alright, now that you're...

Grails on Raspberry Pi Part 3 - Installing Groovy And Grails

Grails on Raspberry Pi Part 3 - Installing Groovy And Grails

The first step in getting working with Grails on the Raspberry Pi is, of course, installing Grails.  I've been somewhat dreading this post because...

Grails on Raspberry Pi Part 2 - Why Grails?

Grails on Raspberry Pi Part 2 - Why Grails?

So why Grails on a Raspberry Pi?  It's a valid question and one that I hope to answer with this post.  If you're not familiar with Grails, perhaps...

Grails on Raspberry Pi - Part 1

Grails on Raspberry Pi - Part 1

In celebration of Pi day (actually, it's mostly coincidental, but let's go with it) I wanted to post the first in a series of upcoming posts about using...