Hi Todd! First of all, nice blog - I came across it the other day when you wrote about using Thymeleaf w/ SparkAnyway, as for passing values from child templates up to their parent layouts, it's possible using Thymeleaf's
attribute processors on any element that's involved in the layout/decoration process, which would be anywherelayout:decorate
will be found. eg:Child/content template:
<html layout:decorate="your-layout.html" th:with="greeting='Hello!'">Parent/layout template:
<p th:with="${greeting}"></p> <!-- You'll end up with "Hello!" in here -->Now, I don't seem to have documented this anywhere, and as someone who takes some pride in writing good docs, I feel a little bad that I've missed this! I swear I used to have it somewhere because others have come to me whenever this feature is broken/missing or they couldn't get it to work.
Of course I had to quickly test this out back in my Spark Java application, so I went back to the thymeleaf-layout.html
view and modified it to pass the menu variable from my model into the layout:
<html xmlns:layout="http://www.ultraq.net.nz/thymeleaf/layout"Here I'm declaring that in the parent layout there should be a variable called
layout:decorate="~{fragments/main}" th:with="nav=${menu}">
that contains the value of menu
from my model. Now in the layout file (main.html) I can reference the nav
variable to create my menu:<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li th:each="i : ${nav}"><a th:href="@{${i.route}}"><span th:text="${i.title}"></span></a></li>
And I'm in business! It's great to see an open source developer so responsive and concerned with proper documentation. Thymeleaf definitely has potential.
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