The Personal Blog of Todd Sharp
Running Database Queries With REST via a Database Tools Connection (IE: The Super Easy Way)

Running Database Queries With REST via a Database Tools Connection (IE: The Super Easy Way)

I recently blogged about a brand-new service in the Oracle Cloud - Database Tools. It's a safe, secure way to store your database credentials in the...

Producing and Consuming Messages in Node.JS with Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ)

Producing and Consuming Messages in Node.JS with Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ)

If you've been following my blog posts lately, you may have noticed that I've been focusing a bit on messaging. We talked a while back about using Oracle...

Easy and Secure Oracle Database Connections With Database Tools

Easy and Secure Oracle Database Connections With Database Tools

There's a brand new tool in town, and it's ready to make your life a whole lot easier if you work with Oracle DB in the cloud. It's called "Database Tools...

Installing & Securing Mosquitto for Encrypted MQTT Messaging in the Oracle Cloud

Installing & Securing Mosquitto for Encrypted MQTT Messaging in the Oracle Cloud

Messaging is critical in the cloud. Maybe you're dealing with industrial IoT applications that read sensors and report conditions from a factory line to...

Quick Pub/Sub Testing for Oracle Advanced Queuing With a Command Line Interface (CLI)

Quick Pub/Sub Testing for Oracle Advanced Queuing With a Command Line Interface (CLI)

I have been spending a lot of time playing around with Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) lately and one of the things that has bothered me is the lack of a ...

Securely Connecting to Autonomous DB Without a Wallet (Using TLS)

Securely Connecting to Autonomous DB Without a Wallet (Using TLS)

I talk to a lot of developers in my job as a Developer Advocate. Sometimes they've been using the products in the Oracle Cloud for a long time, and sometimes...

Send and Receive Messages via REST with Advanced Queuing and ORDS

Send and Receive Messages via REST with Advanced Queuing and ORDS

A while back, I blogged about using Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) for messaging within your applications. It's a great option for durable and reliable...

Enterprise Messaging via Oracle Advanced Queuing with Autonomous DB & Micronaut

Enterprise Messaging via Oracle Advanced Queuing with Autonomous DB & Micronaut

I’ve written about messaging many, many times on this blog. And for good reason, too. It’s a popular subject that developers can’t seem to get enough of...

How to Securely Connect to Private Resources (for Free!) via the OCI Bastion Service

How to Securely Connect to Private Resources (for Free!) via the OCI Bastion Service

When working in the cloud, there are often times when your servers and services are not exposed to the public internet. Private virtual cloud networks ...

How To Set Up and Run a (Really Powerful) Free Minecraft Server in the Cloud

How To Set Up and Run a (Really Powerful) Free Minecraft Server in the Cloud

In this post, I’m going to show you how to set up and run your very own private, dedicated Minecraft server in the cloud. I have blogged about this before...